...A Sailor's Delight
When one thinks of the colors of Kennebunkport, most often the thought of our spectacular fall foliage comes to mind.
Janice and I went for a ride this evening to capture some photos for this Blog (we often go for a walk or ride just to snap photos). We had several ideas that we wanted to shoot for future articles and were able to get some great shots.
This shot wasn't part of the plan. It was such a great sunset, we couldn't resist.
So many of these articles focus on the many and varied opportunities for the tourist to fully experience and enjoy Kennebunkport.
Certainly visitors to Kennebunkport can enjoy this same sunset (in fact, we saw three of our favorite guests at the beach tonight), the residents of this ocean playground, live with this scenery year-round. So, as you baby boomers visit us in Kennebunkport, consider what a wonderful place this would be for retirement.
While you are househunting, here is an idea of where to stay.
Labels: Things to do in Kennebunkport